Thursday, September 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

I was waiting for the analysis H. I. Sutton the Nord Stream 1 & 2 sabotage. Here it is.

Not just three incidents of sabotage. Four to be more exact.

"Location Of 4th Leak On Russia's NordStream Gas Pipeline In Baltic"

From the   "Covert Shores" Internet web site By H. I. Sutton 29 September 2022.

"The September 27 attacks on the Nordstream gas pipelines near the Danish island of Bornholm is a serious international incident. There is now little doubt that it was sabotage. The explosions causing leaks in at least four places and affect both Nordstream 1 & Nordstream 2."

"Despite the uncertainties inherent in hybrid warfare (and to an extent seabed warfare), eyes are on Russia."


As to who the culprit is:

"The attacks are likely to be the material of conspiracy theories forever. The allure of these theories will no doubt keep them popular despite their lack of credibility."

"The strong suspicion is that Russia themselves are the most likely actor."

"Russia has a long tradition of seabed warfare and has extensive investments in technologies. That wouldn't make the attack simple, real operations rarely are. And it is an impressive operation from a defense analysis perspective."

Devoted readers to the blog are strongly encouraged to read the entire H. I. Sutton entry. "Covert Shores" hardly ever disappoints.


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