Thursday, September 29, 2022


This is coolbert:

Devoted readers to the blog and those perusing in a much more casual manner are strongly encouraged to see this twitter thread courtesy the English "Telegraph" World News.

A discussion as to what "catastrophic consequences" there might be if the Russian indeed employs tactical nuclear weapons the Ukraine Conflict.

Those words "catastrophic consequences" the words of President Biden. 

Read the ENTIRE thread from top to bottom. All of course thanks to "Telegraph and the tip from Reginald.

Consequences [catastrophic] to possibly mean this? Major Kong rides the bomb?


Those in positions of power seem to be walking toward a cliff with the rest of humanity chained to them. Walk off the cliff and we [all of humanity] will go with them. 

From Colonel Trevor N. Dupuy | 1987:

"Nuclear weapons differ from conventional weapons not just in power, but in kind. If their use in tactical battle could assuredly limited to the fractional kiloton variety, then there might be some validity to the easy assumption that they are merely bigger and better weapons. But any use of even the smallest tactical nuke carriers with it the possibility of escalation. Escalation with conventional weapons is relatively finite. Escalation with nuclear weapons has potentialities as close to infinity as the human mind can imagine. Such an eventuality is so far likely that we can almost ignore it, but it is possible, but should never be ignored completely."

I would hope that many persons in position of high authority are paying close attention to all of this. For the sake of everybody they should be.


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