Wednesday, August 31, 2022


This is coolbert:

Once again from the Internet web site "Covert Shores". Russian naval contingents homeward bound create a stir.

"Heavily Armed Russian Navy Ships Sailing Between Britain And Ireland"

From | 30 August 2022.

"Heavily Armed Russian Navy Ships Sailing Between Britain And Ireland"

These Russian warships stationed for six months the Mediterranean now homeward bound their course suddenly unexpected and unwelcome!

"Russia In a proactive move, a group of Russian Navy ships are currently entering the Irish Sea. There are clear indications that they will sail up and around the United Kingdom. Among other things, this will take them close to major submarine base of Faslane."


"The group is led by the SLAVA class cruiser Marshal Ustinov. The UDALOY class destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov and a tanker, Vyazma, are with her (him)."

ВМФ Ustinov the sister ship of the late ВМФ Moskva?

"The exact positions of the cruiser and destroyer are not currently visible by open sources. But the tanker is broadcasting its position on AIS (automated identification system). It has passed the entrance of the English Channel and is sailing into the Irish Sea. A Royal Navy warship, indicated to be HMS Lancaster, is shadowing them."

Not the normal route north through the English channel but rather a transit through the Irish Sea

"Ustinov left the Mediterranean on August 24 and has slowly approached the UK, The Russian warships are understood to be returning home after over 6 months deployed to the Mediterranean to support Russia’s invasion of Ukraine."

Further from H.I. Sutton: UPDATE

"2022-08-30-0750Z Since posting this, the vessels appear to have done a U-turn and are currently sailing southwest. This is a fluid situation however, we will have to see how it plays out."


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