Saturday, July 30, 2022

T-34 2022.

This is coolbert:

T-34 tanks still going strong? World War Two tank being used the Ukraine War 2022? Is it even contemplated much less even possible?

SKEPTICAL and UNBELIEVING. Maybe you should be?

See the Mark Felton You Tube video.


* Evidently a number of nations still retain their T-34 in service but inventory limited. T-34 generally rated as BEST general purpose tank of WW2. Not by everyone however.

* Recent combat use of the T-34 confined to scant numbers. Balkans, Yemen, Donbass 2014.

* Ukraine Conflict 2022 single use of a T-34 as mentioned in the Mark Felton video a single tank being used as an armored pillbox at a roadblock.

* T-34 as a monument to the Red Army during WW2 very popular. Tanks used in this fashion according to what I know gutted, no engine, crew compartment stripped of any vital internals.

* Those Laotian T-34 as purchased by the Laotian to be used for commemorative and remembrance purposes?

Perhaps even yet the Ukraine Conflict we will see a Soviet era WW2 warplane Po-2 in action? Wood-and-fabric warplane weed-hopper. An-2 in a SEAD role active, antiquated aircraft hardly qualifying as a modern warplane.


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