Sunday, July 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

Ritter = knight. CV = curriculum vitae (English: , Latin for "course of life"). 

Extract from a Sputnik interview with with the American military analyst Scott Ritter. Sputnik of course Russian controlled [?] Internet media outlet.

Cost of doing business for the NATO powers the Ukraine Conflict unsustainable? Expenditures of cash and war stockpiles of munitions too great?

"US Military Analyst: West Can't Afford Ukraine Spending, Will Run Out of Ammo to Send to Kiev"

All thanks here to the Russian controlled [?] media outlet "Sputnik News | 21 July 22.

"As Russia continues its special military operation to demilitarize and de-Nazify Ukraine, the West is sending billions of dollars on aid, weapons, and equipment for Kiev."

"Scott Ritter, a military analyst and former US Marine Corps intelligence officer, offers his views on the West's motivation to provide continued financial and military assistance to Ukraine, the reasons why the US and EU are choosing to fuel the hostilities instead of encouraging Kiev to negotiate, and reflects on how long Ukraine's beneficiaries in the West will be able to afford such expenses." [Read the CV of Scott Ritter as to his expertise:]


Sputnik: Can the West collectively really afford such spending now, at a time of harsh polarization and soaring prices?

Scott Ritter: No, they can't afford it. And we have some nations that are starting to realize this. The German defense minister, who is very hawkish against Russia, has acknowledged that Germany simply has no more weapons to give and they're not in a position to build new weapons. They're worrying about other economic realities. The same holds true with the United States.


# 1 Weapons wartime stockpiles being depleted at an alarming rate. The NATO powers going to find themselves [if they have not already found themselves] in a state of less-than-preparedness for a general war.

# 2 Going to TAKE TIME for assembly lines to dramatically ramp-up production. In the case of Stinger missiles even redesign of entire assemblies will be needed? 

#3 The MAJOR European member of NATO such as France, Germany, Italy have a demonstrable hesitancy to budget and spend for minimal defense requirements the NATO alliance. That welfare-state is in conflict with military spending needs. Going to be unpopular with the voting electorate.


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