Sunday, July 24, 2022


This is coolbert:

Just when I thought maybe there was some hope of a truce and a negotiated settlement to the Ukraine Conflict we have this.

From DEBKAfile Jul 23, 2022 and thanks to same.

"Zelensky rules out truce without recovering lost lands"

"A ceasefire with Russia without reclaiming territory lost to Russia would only prolong the war and allow Russia to rearm, said Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. He spoke on Friday after Ukraine and Russia signed a deal to restart grain exports through the Black Sea ports. 'Diplomatic concessions to Moscow might stabilize the markets somewhat but would only provide a temporary respite and boomerang in the future,' Zelensky stressed."

Does not sound good to me. After five full months of fighting [has it been that long now!] I might have thought the warring parties for the greater good of all might have declared a truce, troops holding position in place, negotiations to begin with a step-by-step resolution to the Conflict. As it was with the Winter War of 1940 so it was going to be with the Ukrainian Conflict of 2022? All bets off the  table as they say now. This pronouncement of Zelensky seems to suggest so.


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