Sunday, July 3, 2022


This is coolbert:

“The units of martyrs Jamil Skaf and Mehdi Yaghi launched three drones of different sizes towards the disputed area at Karish field to carry out reconnaissance missions and the mission was accomplished, as such the message was delivered. Victory is only from God, the Mighty, the Mighty,”

From several sources to include DEBKAfile and "South Front".

Israeli natural gas drilling rigs the Mediterranean under attack by drones.

1. "Hizballah drones intercepted before reaching Israel’s offshore Karish gas rig"

 Jul 2, 2022.

"Three Hizballah drones were shot down over the sea on Saturday, July 2 on their way from Lebanon to the Karish gas rig situated in Israel’s Mediterranean economic zone. The UAFs were hit by IDF Barak missiles, launched from an Israeli Air Force F-16 warplane, that took off from the Ramat David airbase, and for the first time from a Navy vessel."

"The military spokesman reported that the UAVs targeted were unarmed and may have been testing Israel’s alertness or on a spying mission over Israel’s newest offshore gas platform. Interception took place a few short miles from the gas facility."


"Hezbollah has confirmed that it launched three drones from Lebanon at the disputed Karish naval gas field, which is currently held by Israel."

"The drones, which approached the gas field on July 2, were all intercepted by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). One of the drones was shot down by a F-16 fighter jet of the Israeli Air Force, while the two others were shot down with Barak missiles launched from the Israeli Navy’s Sa’ar 5-class corvette Eilat."

"In a statement, Hezbollah revealed that the drones were not armed. According to the group, the drones were on a reconnaissance mission."

Hezbollah a non-state actor having a military with conventional firepower even exceeding that of a mid-sized power such as Great Britain or France. Hezbollah combining an implacable hate of Israel and with a very strong resolve a dangerous foe for anyone.


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