Tuesday, July 5, 2022

GIS Arta.

This is coolbert:

"GIS Arta reduces the time to fire to about 30 to 45 seconds. No Western artillery system is as capable and none apparently has the accuracy offered by GIS Arta. According to reports, Ukrainian artillery can now hit a far-away target with an accuracy of between 18 and 75 meters." [about one-hundred fifty feet]

From the Internet web site isegoria.net and thanks to same. Ukrainian artillery outstanding. Locating and firing accurately on targets not even having peer?

"No Western artillery system is as capable and none apparently has the accuracy offered by GIS Arta"

July 5th, 2022.

Two technologies have helped Ukraine fend off the Russian invasion:

* "While the Russians are able to jam satellite transmissions, so far they have not been able to jam Starlink. Musk has reported that they are trying but so far have not been successful."

* "The other technology is homegrown and is software known as GIS Arta (GIS stands for geographic information system and Arta stands for artillery)."

"GIS Arta is an Android app that takes target information from drones, US and NATO intelligence feeds and conventional forward observers, and converts the information to precise coordinates for artillery."

"GIS Arta was developed by a volunteer team of software developers led by Yaroslav Sherstyvk. It bears a resemblance to Uber taxi service software, on which the GIS Arta software is modeled."


"The artillery previously used by Ukraine was mainly Russian and its firing system was dated and slow. GIS Arta not only changed that but also significantly improved accuracy."

OUTSTANDING! Even "dated" artillery still can kill and the ability to kill greatly enhanced with new technology. As here. Elon too I imagine not too popular in Russia right now.


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