Tuesday, July 5, 2022


This is coolbert:

Bad idea comrade. Bitches beware!

Russian occupation troops the Ukraine Conflict as recruited from the among the convict population? Bashi bazook Russian style! There is precedent!

From "The Daily Beast" story by Allison Quinn July 5, 2022. The tip from yahoo.com

"Wagner Group Is Sending Russian Inmates to Fight in Ukraine, Report Says"

"More than 130 days into Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation” against Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry is apparently counting on prison inmates and shipyard workers to serve as fresh cannon fodder."

"The desperate new recruiting drive has been reported in St. Petersburg, where the families of inmates at two prisons say the Wagner Group—a private Russian military force that has been tied to the Kremlin—is offering prisoners money and a get-out-of-jail-free card to go 'search for Nazis' in Ukraine, according to the independent Russian news outlet iStories."

$5,300 per month USD for shipyard workers. A tidy sum for a Russian.

Lots of bad with regard to this story.

1. Convicts released from prison with the proviso that they must perform military service during a time of war rarely if EVER make good soldiers. The vast majority of such persons recruited just continue their criminal ways taking advantage of often chaotic conditions.

2. It goes against the Russian criminal underworld code to engage activity of this sort. Cooperation with the government authority in ANY and ALL circumstances forbidden. Defying the underworld code can be highly hazardous for your health. 

See World War Two Russian precedent courtesy the wiki entry:

"After World War II, the vory in the Gulag system were weakened by the so-called Bitch Wars – a prison gang war between pure vory and the so-called suki ('bitches'). The 'suki' were former members of the criminal underworld who had broken the thieves' code by agreeing to cooperate with administration of prisons and labor camps. The 'Bitch Wars' lasted for decades."

See also all prior blog entries as pertain to prison inmates released for combat the Ukraine Conflict:





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