Wednesday, May 25, 2022


This is coolbert:

"Regular readers know I [Salamander] am not a fan of American as global hegemon or policeman. I’ve had no change in that regard … but I try to listen to history’s lessons and do my best to look a half dozen plays down the board – and Taiwan’s independence is one of those things where I’m willing to say, 'Yes, here we make a stand.'”

"hegemony: noun - The predominance of one state or social group over others. Predominance; preponderance; leadership; specifically, headship or control exercised by one state over another or others, as through confederation or conquest"

From the Internet web site of Commander Salamander and thanks to same.

"Yes, Taiwan is an Island Worth Dying On"

Tuesday, May 24, 2022.

"There are my top-5 reasons why those with a clear head about the PRC should welcome the President’s comments. Accept and promote them."


"The coming conflict [if and when it occurs] with the PRC may not be unavoidable, but the need to prepare for one is. If we take the challenge seriously and prepare for it, then the challenge may never come. If we pretend the challenge is not growing, then the challenge will move on to action as the opportunity to change centuries of failure will be ripe for the taking."


"Taiwan cannot be allowed to fall under the control of the Communist Party of China. There are a whole host of reasons. My top-5 I will outline below"

I [Bert] list only the key points. Devoted readers to the blog are strongly encouraged to read the entire article.

1. "The Map: With Taiwan, you control Japanese access to half the planet, and you extend your military influence east through the Philippine Sea."

2. "Justice: If  'The West' and her auxiliaries stand for anything, it should be for representative governance and individual liberty."

3. "Stand Against Aggressive War: the international community in Ukraine is setting a precedence that we will not stand by quietly and reward aggressive war by Russia." 

4. "Economics: the world’s economy and Western militaries are mindlessly dependent on Taiwan."

5. "West of Wake: with the loss of Taiwan, the ability of Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and other nations in the western Pacific – who are either auxiliaries to the West or trying to become such – will be in what position in face of a stronger and emboldened China?" 

With regard to item # 4, something like 80 % of the world's micro-electronic semi-conductors are manufactured in Taiwan. Plus the machines to manufacture the semi-conductors also made in Taiwan. Taiwan and their capacity in this regard almost irreplaceable and must be acknowledged as being so!!


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