Thursday, May 26, 2022

Cadieu III.

 This is coolbert:

As posted at the Internet web site "South Front" 22.05.2022.

With regard to SouthFront: "SouthFront is a multilingual website registered in Russia that 'combines Kremlin talking points with detailed knowledge of military systems and ongoing conflicts'"


"Since the end of April 2022, information about the detention of senior NATO general Trevor Cadieux at Azovstal has been circulating on the Internet. Unfortunately, there is no confirmed information about this at this time. The Russian power structures have not yet officially reported it. Nevertheless, there is quite serious evidence to substantiate this information."


"Trevor Cadieu did appear on Ukrainian territory, which there is a lot of evidences of, and then suddenly disappeared from sight. He is not in Kiev and is not listed among the dead. As Ottawa Citizen concludes, the NATO general is currently in the catacombs of the Azovstal plant in Mariupol together with Nazis from Azov and several hundred foreign mercenaries."

"In addition, there is information that the general was in charge of Biological Laboratory No. 1, where they allegedly worked with deadly viruses. Now Cadieux is already in Moscow, where he will stand trial."

See previous blog entries the topic Trevor Cadieu:


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