Monday, May 30, 2022


This is coolbert:

Consider this to be a terrorist alert of the highest possible level of concern for the Israeli? 

 From DEBKAfile May 30, 2022.

"Rare publication of Israeli air defense alert follows concrete Iranian threat. Five prominent figures named"

"Israel’s unusual official announcement on May 30 of its heightened air defense alert was triggered by intelligence affirming Iran’s determination to make good this time on a vow of revenge for the shooting of Col. Hassan Kodaei on May 23.  It was reinforced on Monday afternoon, when Iranian media named five Israel intelligence and tech experts who with their families and colleagues are now in Iran’s sights"

[. . . ]

Iranian response to the assassination of Iranian Colonel Kodaei + the drone attack on the Iranian Parchin facility going to be big time revenge?

"The Kodeai hit was cited on Monday by Revolutionary Guards commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami when he pledged to avenge his death during a visit to the victim’s parents. However, a subsequent attack two days later – this one on the Parchin military complex, that was attributed by American sources to Israel – was the tipping point for Tehran."


Threats of a dire nature by the Iranian against Israeli targets rarely [?] coming to fruition. However this is not the case this time?

Further from DEBKA:

"This time is different in that Iran’s threats – including and a real threat to Israelis visiting Turkey – are being taken with extreme seriousness on three scores:"

* "On Saturday, Iran opened up a secret underground depot housing some 100 advanced unmanned aerial vehicles (see photo) to demonstrate its capacity to settle accounts with Israel on a large scale. It will be hard to back down on vows of revenge after this display."

* "This and other intelligence strongly indicate that Iran will not be content with a small operation but is rather bent on inflicting heavy damage."

* "Security sources infer this additionally from the restraint displayed by the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the face of Israel’s Flag Parade on Jerusalem Day despite threats of rocket fire and other payback. Both were apparently directed from Tehran to hold their fire and wait to join the multi-front assault coming to Israel."

Sounds bad doesn't it? Yes it does! HVT Israeli [high-value targets] beware the drone.


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