Monday, May 23, 2022


This is coolbert:

The Mariupol pocket now having capitulated further discussion warranted.

"A pocket is a group of combat forces that have been isolated by opposing forces from their logistical base and other friendly forces. In mobile warfare, such as blitzkrieg, salients were more likely to be cut off into pockets, which became the focus of battles of annihilation."

"The term pocket carries connotations that the encirclement was not intentionally allowed by the encircled forces, as it may have been when defending a fortified position, which is usually called a siege."

The Mariupol pocket surrender or annihilation was inevitable. Elements necessary for successful defense of a pocket missing.


"Pockets of troops encircled from the experience of the German army WW2 having three options, none of which was surrender."

Courses of Action [CoA] to include:

      1. Overland relief. 2. Breakout. 3. A "moving pocket".

Survival of a "pocket" depending upon:

      1. Morale. 2. Strong leadership/competent command.

Further with regard to morale consider: 

      * Resupply. Ammunition, water, food, treatment of wounded.

Also as pertains to leadership:

      * Commander and subordinates share and endure all privations of the lower ranks.

Expect those Azov battalion combatants to be screened and separated from the rest of the Ukrainian POW. I have would have to expect the neo-Nazi battalion troops their fate going to be grim. Show trials, guilty verdicts with a lot of confession, whisked away to a Gulag type of camp for punishment of a long-term. As I said, grim!


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