Thursday, April 7, 2022


This is coolbert:

To war with radioactive trench!

Disruption the soil near the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone a crime against humanity or a war crime?

From the story by Marianne Guenot april 6, 2022. Originally as seen at "Business Insider".

"Ukraine shares video it says proves Russian troops dug trenches in Chernobyl, disturbing radioactive soil"

"A photomontage shows two stills from the video side by side."

Stills from a drone video juxtaposed for comparison.

"Two stills from a video said to show evidence that Russian troops dug trenches in the Red Forest." 

More like some sort of emplacement than trenches.

* "A video purports to prove that Russian troops dug trenches in Chernobyl's 'Red Forest.'"

* "Russian troops may have exposed themselves to dangerous levels of radiation by digging there."

* "The video, shared by the Ukrainian military, is undated and its origin"

Red Forest one of the most highly contaminated [radioactive] locations on the planet. Called the "Red Forest" because of the reddish color of all the dead pine trees. Humans enter only on risk to your  own life and understand that to be so. Evidently the Russian troops ignorant of risk!

See the wiki entry "human activity" the Red Forest.

Also see previous blog entries as relevant:


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