Thursday, April 7, 2022


This is coolbert:

Back to the future. Controvesial and thought-to-have-been dismissed item back in the headlines?

War atrocity concealed by cremation of dead bodies?

"Russian crematoria operating in Mariupol: 'This is the new Auschwitz,' mayor says"

Story from Fox news by Caitlin McFall Wed, April 6, 2022. The tip from

"The Mariupol City Council on Wednesday accused Russian forces of relying on a mobile crematorium to cover up their alleged war crimes in the southeast port city of Ukraine."

"Mariupol, which has been partially occupied for weeks, has been the target of one of the most brutal Russian offensives in Ukraine since the invasion began in February."

"'The killers are covering their tracks,' the city council said in several social media posts, adding that the Russians have set up 'mobile crematoriums.'"


"Mariupol officials have estimated that roughly 5,000 civilians had been killed, but warned Wednesday that given the size of the destruction caused to the city the death toll could be in the tens of thousands. "

HEY! I thought the whole idea of moving crematorium the Ukrainian battlefield was proven to be a fake story? Incinerators normally used to dispose of trifling amounts of hazardous waste hardly able to cremate large numbers of battlefield dead.

See previous blog entries the topic the mobile crematoria:


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