Tuesday, April 19, 2022

T-72 CZ.

This is coolbert:

From Expats.cz Staff 16.04.2022.

Warning! Czech tank T-72 en route to the Ukraine! Beware the anger of the Russian. You have been warned.

"Russia warns Czechia against supplying Ukraine with weapons of Soviet origin"

"As the Czech Republic continues to arm Ukraine, Russia has told the country that it cannot transfer Soviet-made weapons without its consent."

"Through a diplomatic letter, Russia has warned the Czech Republic against supplying other countries with weapons of Soviet origin without its consent, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský told journalists this afternoon."


"Over the past seven weeks, the Czech Republic has provided Ukraine with weapons, tanks, armored vehicles, and other military aid."


"Last week, Reuters reported that the Czech Republic sent Soviet-licensed T-72 tanks and Czechoslovak-made BMP-1 armored vehicles to Ukraine. According to local server Echo24, the country has also supplied Ukraine with Czechoslovak RM70 multiple rocket launchers."


"According to Lipavský, however, no such agreement exists between the Czech Republic and Russia for weapons produced by or licensed from the former Soviet Union."


These Czech tanks T-72 evidently are: the T-72M4 CZ is an upgraded Czech version of the Soviet-made main battle tank T-72 . . . the Czechs adapted an Italian fire-control system to enable the tank to fire on the move and hit its target, an American transmission, and a British power pack."

A much MORE robust tank than the original T-72 with regard to MOBILITY, FIREPOWER, PROTECTION!

Numbers for the Ukrainian you can assume correctly too few and too late.


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