Friday, April 1, 2022


This is coolbert:

Tips in all cases here courtesy Freeper.

Pity the plight of the Russian soldier Ukraine?

1. "Russia Drafts 134,500 Conscripts but Says They Won't Go to Ukraine"

Original story US News ^ | 3/31/2022 | Reuters.

"President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a decree ordering 134,500 new conscripts into the army as part of Russia's annual spring draft, but the defence ministry said the call-up had nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. The order came five weeks into Russia's invasion, which has run into fierce Ukrainian resistance. Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday that none of those called up would be sent to any 'hot spots'."

During the Second World War the the Australian govenment conscripted military personnel were exempt from compelled overseas duty. Unless you were a volunteer, no one beyond the sea shore of the Australian land mass for military duty. At the very end of the war policy amended with a redefinition of what Australia WAS, allowing conscripts to be sent to the South West Pacific theater of the war. I believe this was primarily because of the Borneo operation, OBOE!

2. "Putin's soldiers are eating DOGS after becoming 'sick' of their long-life ration packs, Russian soldier reveals in intercepted phone call to his family"

"Phone call tapped by Ukrainian security service shows Russians' desperation"

"Man asks: 'Are you eating dogs?' Soldier says: 'We have, we wanted some meat.'"

"Russian troops have reported being given ration packs which expired years ago"

"Long-life rations contain meat and veg, crackers, porridge and multivitamins"

Long-life ration packets now expired. And as related to the North Carolina USA connection?

3. "Ossetian Soldiers Abandon Russian Army in Ukraine and Return Home"

From Twitter courtesy Alik Puhati Twitter Account ^ | 30 Mar 2022 | Alik Puhati and Rooslan Totrav

"Today, about 300 soldiers (mostly ethnic Ossetians) from the Russian military base returned to South Ossetia of their own free will, because they thought they had been left for dead during a special operation in Ukraine"

DESERTION? These Ossetian personnel need to fear the Chechen behind-the-lines enforcers? My first reaction was that there is some sort of ethnic dimension to all this. Restive Russian army personnel a minority ethnic group not "Great Russian" unwilling to fight and die for a cause they see as not THEIR cause! 

An entire group of troops deserting in such a fashion normally a sign of a breakdown in discipline, officers have lost control of their men.


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