Friday, April 1, 2022


This is coolbert:

Serious! Very serious! An absolutely clear and unmistakable Russian intimidation aimed at Sweden and Finland both!

Stay away from NATO. Period!

From the English tabloid "Daily Mail" and thanks to same.

"Two Russian fighter jets that violated Swedish airspace earlier this month 'were equipped with NUKES with the aim of scaring Stockholm' after Putin had threatened military action if Sweden or Finland joined NATO"

* "Four planes had taken off from Kaliningrad in Russia before flying over Sweden"

* "The jets violated the country's [Sweden] airspace over the island of Gotland on March 2"

* "Two of the aircraft - Sukhoi 24 attack planes - are now said to have carried nukes"

Gotland also subjected to Russian simulated nuclear strike, 2013, as was noticed by yahoo!finance: 

"But the fact that the mock nuclear attack on Sweden came before the Crimea crisis shows that Russia was carrying out provocative nuclear attack simulations on Western European even before relations reached a crisis point. The 2013 operation flaunted Russia's military capabilities while exposing how unprepared its neighbors would be in the event of an actual conflict."

My recollection is that  the 2013 "mock" attack occurred at an exact moment while some Peace Festival was being held on Gotland. Participants not even aware they were in the Russian sights to have an atomic bomb dropped on them. Don't that just beat all. Happy trails to you.


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