Monday, April 18, 2022


This is coolbert:

National Training Center, Fort Irwin CA. USA. The Devonians attack. Russian speaking Devonians!

Alarmist headlines from Moscow. Courtesy the controlled [?] Russian Internet media outlet "Russian Times" [RT]. 17 Apr, 2022.

"US using Russian language in war games – AP"

"Ukraine crisis being used to prepare for future wars, news agency reports"

Aмериканский (amerikanskiy) are preparing to attack us! Damned Amerikanskiy!

"The US Army is training to do battle in an environment heavily shaped by the Russian military campaign against Ukraine, the Associated Press (AP) reported on Saturday."

"The purpose of this month’s wargame in California is to 'prepare for future fights against a major adversary such as Russia or China,' the news agency said."

"Some participants in war games at the Fort Irwin National Training Center in the Mojave Desert are speaking the Russian language, it added. Around 4,500 soldiers from the 2nd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division are pitted against the fictional 'Devonian’ forces – the exercise’s apparent stand-in for the Russians – who control the fictional town of Ujen."

Back in the old days of the Cold War the Devonian was called the "Circle Trigon" or the aggressor. Circle Trigon speaking Esperanto!

That OPFOR Fort Irwin: "the 177th Armored Brigade (SEP). The OPFOR soldiers were dressed in Soviet-style armor uniforms including black berets, Soviet-style insignias, and used M551 Sheridans visually modified to resemble BMP-1 vehicles and T-72 tanks. In their OPFOR role the Infantry Battalion was designated as the 32nd Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment."

OPFOR [Opposing Force] Fort Irwin that most combat-ready unit in the U.S. Army! Includes troops that SPEAK a bare minimum of Russian!

Nothing NEW here? Move along folks?


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