Thursday, April 14, 2022


This is coolbert:

**Note, that it is impossible to confirm any news coming out of Mariupol with any degree of certainty**.


From Daily Kos and thanks to same. Wednesday April 13, 2022.

"Ukrainian 36th Brigade Marines Breakthrough to join Azov Regiment in Mariupol - UPDATED"

"Against impossible odds, Mariupol still stands. Yesterday, April 12th it was reported that Ukrainian marines broke through a Russian cordon. **Note, that it is impossible to confirm any news coming out of Mariupol with any degree of certainty**."

"'I can’t give you all the details, but I can say that right now we have joined the 'Azov' Regiment. Several hundred marines managed to escape, including the wounded,' - an officer from the 36th Brigade"

AZOV often described as Neo-Nazi fighters. This is the unit that Vlad is thinking of when he says the Russian must rid the Ukraine of Neo-Nazi scum.

"Not only did several hundred Marines break through but they took their wounded with them. According to Олексій Арестович [Oleksei Arestovich]."

Regarding events as reported:

1. "Azov received a significant reinforcement."

2. "The 36th brigade avoided a split in pieces and received additional serious opportunities, actually found a second chance."

3. "The city's defenders, now together, have seriously strengthened their defense district."

"In general, the city's defense system has increased and strengthened. This is what happens when officers don't lose their minds, but maintain control of the troops firmly."

See my previous blog entry troops trapped in a "pocket" the criteria needed for a successful defense during a siege.

Mopping up operations of Mariupol continuing for SIX WEEKS now. Hardly what you would call "mopping up"! Make no mistake about it, the Ukrainian are tough guys.


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