Tuesday, February 8, 2022


This is coolbert:

Even the Finns are making ready! Even they!

From Corporal Frisk and thanks to same.

"Ready when you are"

"As several observers on Twitter already have noted, while Finland doesn’t directly shout ]We’re raising the readiness!' there’s certainly been a flurry of the – as usual rather low-key – messaging to that effect from the Finnish Defence Forces. However, the messages are opaque enough that they do require a bit of attention to detail to figure out what’s really going on."

"Valmiudessa tehtävään - @KarjalanPR & @MaasotaK valmiusosastot liikkeellä Mikkelin alueella 24.-26.1. Kaakonkulmalla suorituskykyisiä osaajia. #karpr #maask #valmiusosasto"

English translation: "On standby for the mission - @KarjalanPR & @MaasotaK standby departments on the move in the Mikkeli area from 24 to 26 January. High-performing experts in southeast corner. #karpr #maask #valmiusosasto"

"Mikkelin Peitsarin vanhalla koululla oli @KarjalanPR & @MaasotaK valmiusosastoille tehtävään jatkoa. Kiinniotetut henkilöt saatiin poliisin haltuun. #karpr #maask #karjalanprikaati #maasotakoulu #valmiusosasto"

English translation: "The old school in Peitsar, Mikkeli, had @KarjalanPR & @MaasotaK to the emergency departments. The people who were apprehended were taken into police custody. #karpr #maask #karjalanprikaati #maasotakoulu #valmiusosasto"

All translations courtesy Google Translate!

"ONE-to get ready: FOUR .... to ____GO". That is what this is all about? Or merely routine training? Only the security aware Finn knows for sure.

Suomalainen sotilas valmiina!


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