Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Airheart ISR.

This is coolbert:

ISR = Intelligence/Surveillance/Reconnaisance.

From the tip courtesy "The Aviationist" this tweet by Amelia Airheart with image most interesting.

Amelia @ameliairheart:

12:38 PM · Feb 6, 2022·Twitter for Android

"Today, at least five US aircraft flew ISR sorties over Ukraine and around Belarus: USAF RQ-4 (FORTE12), USN P-8A (PS06x), US Army ARTEMIS (BRIO68). 1/3"

Click on image to see an enlarged view. Reconnaissance American aircraft vicinity Ukraine. Add an Army RC-12X Guardrail to the mix. ISR range and flight paths of aircraft all indicated.

* RC-12 Guardrail.

Guardrail originally have flow in 1970 during the era of the Vietnam War!

* RQ-4 Global Hawk.

* P-8 Poseidon.


An impressive display of ISR capability. I might well to imagine that Poseidon on the Black Sea route and ARTEMIS also having an on-call coverage from the recently deployed NATO Air Policing contingent.

And thanks to Amelia Airheart. On the ball.


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