Monday, January 10, 2022


This is coolbert:

Devoted readers to the blog please understand this is an extremely controversial topic.

Infamous American war crime Second World War. Eisenhower's Death Camps as referred in the aftermath of the conflict, 1945.

For those not up to speed, peruse at your leisure the following links:

As is alleged, about one million German soldiers perishing while being held in detention camps run by the U.S. Army, not provided for and dying from neglect, starvation, disease.

Now see the Mark Felton You Tube video the expert opinion of professional historians.

Numbers of German dead vastly exaggerated? Figures of U.S. Army and German experts post-war slightly different but total not in the million, far less, no greater than five thousand? As is made clear in the Mark Felton video the detained soldiers not traditional prisoners-of-war. Not captured on the battlefield and ruled such by Eisenhower. Referred to as Detained Enemy Forces [DEF] and not POW.

Make no mistake about it. Those camps never intended to "house" enormous numbers of detainees. Conditions acknowledged as exceedingly poor. Deaths from maltreatment however way far less than alleged by persons with an agenda.


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