Thursday, October 21, 2021


This is coolbert:

Courtesy the tip the Bayou Renaissance Man Internet web sit.

"US nuke stockpile shrinks drastically - but so what?"

"On Tuesday the Biden administration issued a report detailing the number of nuclear warheads in the US arsenal.  It's way down from where it was."

"As of September 2020, the U.S. stockpile of nuclear warheads consisted of 3,750 warheads. This number represents an approximate 88 percent reduction in the stockpile from its maximum (31,255) at the end of fiscal year 1967, and an approximate 83 percent reduction from its level (22,217) when the Berlin Wall fell in late 1989."

"Additionally, 2,000 of the current warheads are scheduled to be dismantled, which will reduce the US stockpile to no more than 1,750 warheads."

See these graphics too. Click on all image to see an enlarged view.

Truly this a remarkable. Around the year1987 the total arsenal of atomic weapons the USA and Soviet Union combined about 80,000 warheads. About 7/8th of those munitions now gone!! Indeed remarkable and one and all should agree for the better. Anyone disagree?

Let us now pause and consider an additional graphic. Of which we can be less than sanguine. Not so much atomic warheads and bombs to be dropped but rather nuclear delivery systems.

Since 2010 new atomic delivery systems Russia, China, North Korea and the USA. Green signifies developmental, green as fielded. USA only one new nuclear delivery system! Without question American atomic weapons delivery system antiques, very aged the reliability questionable.  

You the devoted reader to the blog draw your own conclusions.


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