Wednesday, October 20, 2021


This is coolbert:

“'No one should be forced to receive a Covid vaccine if it would violate the sanctity of his or her conscience,' said Archbishop for the Military Services Timothy P. Broglio, in a statement released Tuesday.

More Covid-19 and the military dimension:

"Military Archbishop Issues Statement… ‘Catholic troops can refuse the mandatory Vaccine’…"

Thanks to the Citizen Free press.

"Catholic U.S. troops should be allowed to refuse the Covid vaccine based solely on conscientious objection and regardless of whether abortion-related tissue was used in its creation or testing, the archbishop for the military declared in a new statement supporting service members who are seeking religious exemptions"

Office of the Archbishop for the Military Services has been rather silent for over fifty years now. Now this in response to the mandated and ordered vaccine as to be administered to all U.S. military personnel.

Let us be 100 % clear too that NONE of this has to do with the use of human fetal aborted tissue during the research/development/manufacture of vaccines.


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