Friday, August 20, 2021


This is coolbert:

The time is ripe? The fate of Taiwan now is in great jeopardy?

From the British Sun online tabloid and the article by Patrick Knox.

"WAR FOOTING WW3 fears as Chinese state media reveals ‘three-stage battle plan’ to invade Taiwan as US stages war games in Pacific"

This article written in July, BEFORE the Kabul/Afghan debacle. China now will be emboldened seeing Ame3rican weakness and lack of resolve?

"WORLD War Three fears are growing after China vowed to invade Taiwan and explained how it would do it as the Communist Party celebrates its centenary." 

"An article in a state-controlled publication has offered a glimpse of a terrifying three-stage plan to pave the way for an invasion force to storm the breakaway island."

Stage one, stage two, stage three. It all sounds so easy. Be assured it will not be so?

See previous blog entries [with additional embedded links] as related to the topic:


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