Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Network II.

This is coolbert:


Diamond. Israeli counter-tunnel combat unit.

"The special unit of the Combat Engineering Corps is the Yahalom unit, the spearhead of the corps. As such, the unit is trained to deal with special engineering tasks that are unique to it, such as the underground and hidden terror tunnels as well as sabotage."

See courtesy You Tube and the Israeli Defense Forces this video of Yahalom in action. Technology such as the robot only a partial panacea to the difficulty of tunnel warfare. Highly trained and prepared dedicated troops with a lot of guts needed for such missions. Proper preparation in advance the key to success as it is in most endeavors.

See also addition prior blog entries [some with additional embedded links] the topic tunnel warfare:

As shown in the video Israeli Yahalom unit preparing for tunnel warfare vis-a-vis Hamas. Those tunnels of Hezbollah in Lebanon posing a totally different set of difficulties I might thank.


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