Wednesday, August 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

Not since the time of the Chinese Tang Empire? Eighth century A.D.

Afghanistan. China now enters the fray?? "Belt and Road Initiative" but much more?

Thanks to a variety of sources.

1. "China will expand its ‘private army’ in Central Asian countries"

"Washington: – China has stepped up its efforts to fill the void created by the US military withdrawal from Afghanistan. China took an important step to establish dominance in Afghanistan and thereby increase its influence in Central Asian countries. China is set to expand its private army, meaning mercenaries, in Central Asian countries."


"As the United States withdraws from Afghanistan and leaves a security vacuum there, is China moving in by cozying up to the Taliban?"

3. "China Seeks Taliban Promise to Wage War on Uighur Fighters in Afghanistan"

"China has sought assurance from the Taliban during a meeting in Tianjin that the resurgent movement will take on a murky Uighur Islamist separatist group in Afghanistan."

Those pesky Uighurs finding succor among the Taliban and sanctuary in Afghan? Must put a stop to that.

Think much more importantly the massive as believed mineral wealthy of Afghan. Mineral wealth in rare earths and other substances as essential to modern civilization. China wants dominion over such elements and corner-the-market without competition. If you like your modern cell phone life-style, approach the Chinese only with proper decorum and obey tremble-ing-ly.


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