Wednesday, August 18, 2021


This is coolbert:

In a bad way I was hoping for this and here we go!

Vis-a-vis the collapse of the Afghan National Army and the triumph of the Taliban in Afghan the comments of Colonel Austin Bay most pertinent.

Thanks to the Internet web site Strategy Page.

"On Point: Biden's Afghanistan Disaster Didn't Have To Happen"

"In the first two weeks of August, America's withdrawal from Afghanistan became a humiliating rout. Make no mistake, the U.S. has suffered a major diplomatic and psychological defeat that will have resonance throughout the world."

I recommend the Austin Bay article highly, without qualification or reservation.

I think that for many persons such as myself who lived through that era of the Vietnam debacle what occurred in Afghan was anticipated. The perspective was that the Afghan army minus an American presence was just not going be able to hold. And did not!

Kabul worse than Saigon too!! The North Vietnamese during their final big-push military offensive and march on Saigon possessed tank divisions, groups of tank divisions, artillery divisions, groups of artillery divisions and massed groups of tank armies combined with groups of artillery divisions.

The Taliban having nothing of the sort. Take it for what it is.

"The moral is to the physical as three is to one."


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