Tuesday, June 22, 2021


This is coolbert:

First consider number # 1 then # 2 in that order. It seems the "heavyweights with a glass jaw" more durable and resilient than what had been thought.

 "glass jaw denotes: – (in boxing) a jaw that is excessively fragile or susceptible to punches; – (by extension) a person’s or institution’s critical point of weakness, i.e., an Achilles’ heel."

1. "USS America: Sinking A Supercarrier"

"Sinking an Aircraft Carrier"

"The USS America (CV-66) super carrier was originally intended to be scrapped, like most other US aircraft carriers. But some innovative US Navy officers found a more creative and productive end for this massive ship."

"Although aircraft carriers have been sunk in battle before, especially during WWII, a super-carrier the size of modern US Navy aircraft carriers has never reached that end. After decades of successful aircraft carrier operations, though, this started to become a bit of a weak spot."

I recommend highly without qualification or reservation the embedded video.

"No one knew exactly, with any great degree of certainty, how the massive super-carriers would hold up to strikes by modern — and very capable — anti-ship weapons in a combat scenario."



* Four weeks of damage from a variety of weapons systems causing considerable damage and still the warship did not sink.

* Evidently no damage control parties onboard the vessel while under attack.

* Warship [USS America] finally sunk by deliberate scuttling using demolitions.

Consider also this item courtesy the Daily Mail and thanks to same.

2. "PICTURED: Navy fires thousands of pounds of explosives near USS Gerald R. Ford, creating a blast equivalent to a 3.9 magnitude earthquake to test the carrier's ability to 'take a hit' in battle"

NOT a direct hit. A nearby detonation of massive proportions. A test worthy to determine the structural integrity of the vessel. To WHAT EXTENT that explosion equal to an atomic munition being used I would be curious to know.

This explosion again of course not the same as a DIRECT HIT but nonetheless demonstrating the capacity of an aircraft carrier to take punishment and survive.


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