Monday, May 17, 2021


This is coolbert:

"We are retired military leaders who pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  Although retired from active service, each of us feels bound by that oath to do what we can, in our capacity today, to protect our nation from the threats to her freedom."

 The Turk does it. The French do it. Now the Americans do it too. An open letter as signed by a large number of RETIRED senior American military officers.

The nation in peril. Something must be done. Thanks to the tip from the Bayou Renaissance Man.

"Retired General and Flag Officers speak out"

"Over three hundred retired General and Flag Officers of the US armed forces have jointly signed an open letter, calling on Americans to do something about the extraordinary situation in which this country finds itself."

Further as extracted:

"Under a Democrat Congress and the Current Administration, our Country has taken a hard left turn toward Socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government which must be countered now by electing congressional and presidential candidates who will always act to defend our Constitutional Republic. The survival of our Nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty, and historic values are at stake."

Devoted readers to the blog will want to read the entire text of the open letter and are encouraged to do so.

I pass judgement neither yea or nay. Merely my observation that such an action as the signed open letter has occurred is not a good sign.


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