Saturday, May 1, 2021

Incirlik II.

This is coolbert:

HEY, I thought that was all settled and done.

American nuclear weapons stationed in Turkey to be used if needed as part of NATO mission removed and gone.

This is not so? Thanks to Freeper for the tip.

"Turkey President Erdogan – Claims All US Nukes On Incirlik Base Belongs To Turkey"

"A statement issued by the Turkish Ministry of Defense regarding the ownership of the Incirlik base and all the weapons systems at its disposal!"

"The announcement came as a blow because US Pentagon officials themselves did not expect any Turkish moves or statements involving the Incirlik base."

Previously about fifty atomic munitions were said to be stored at the Incirlik Air Force Base. YET 1/3 still remain? NONE of this sounds any good to me.

See previous blog entries with further embedded links as germane to the topic:


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