Friday, April 30, 2021

Britannia II.

This is coolbert:


Britannia rules the waves. But only as long as Americans are present?

From the Aviationist more on the initial deployment of the British aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth. Indian Ocean/Pacific patrol.

"USMC F-35Bs Have Landed At RAF Lakenheath For Upcoming HMS Queen Elizabeth’s Indo-Pacific Deployment"

"USMC F-35Bs have arrived at RAF Lakenheath to deploy aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth."

"Split into two sections, each including 5 jets, a total of 10 USMC F-35Bs aircraft have arrived at RAF Lakenheath, UK."

"The USMC F-35Bs aircraft . . . in the next weeks, they will depart RAF Lakenheath to head to the HMS Queen Elizabeth, for UK’s new aircraft carrier’s first operational deployment."

American F-35B Lightning, piloted by U.S. Marine Corps combat aviators will comprise more than half of warplane assets as carried by the Queen Elizabeth!!

USMC pilots and their aircraft totally 100 % embedded with British naval aviation aboard the ship. Part and parcel of the crew no different apparently than if they had British nationality. Never heard of such a thing before!


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