Saturday, January 23, 2021


This is coolbert:

With regard to a previous blog entry the U.S. Navy as an expedient measure to solve a perceived problem perhaps making things worse?

From the Internet web site "Anti-War" and thanks to same.

"Burned by Failed Futuristic Designs US Navy Now Building a Frigate That Will Be Obsolete From the Start"

As extracted:

"Well, consider this … the FREMM design dates back to the early 2000’s, making the design nearly two decades old by now [2021] and it will be three decades old, or older, by the time the first few US Navy frigates will enter actual service (scheduled delivery 2026, IOC around 2030 – and schedules always slip).  Can a 30+ year old ship design really be called a success?"

"Consider the issue of stealth.  When the FREMM was first designed, it may have been considered stealthy but by today’s standards, its appearance would suggest that it is only marginally stealthy, like the Burke.  Is a brand new ship that will become our front line surface combat ship as the Burkes are replaced by unmanned vessels, really a success if it’s only marginally stealthy?"

Burke = Burke class destroyer. Burke as a class of warship generally described as a success.

FREMM frigate class warship a stop-gap solution as a response to the failed LCS class American warship a more than half-measure, rather inferior?

See previous blog entries the topic FREMM:


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