Monday, June 12, 2023


This is coolbert:

The most dangerous beast of them all! The Russians too have them.

"US Magazine Names Four Most Dangerous Bombers in Russia's Military Arsenal"

The article, published this weekend, argues that upgrades coupled with improvements in standoff missiles and precision-guided munitions are the reason for the might of Russian aircraft.

"US international affairs magazine The National Interest has named the Tu-95, Tu-22M, Tu-160, and the cutting-edge PAK DA as Russia's 'most dangerous bombers'."

Bomber aircraft with the exception of the PAK DA of rather ancient vintage. All from the Soviet era , Tu-95 design quite old. PAK DA even exists as a deployed combat warplane?

Similar to the B-52 but still can be formidable with the mission of a stand-off delivery system firing air-to-ground missiles with nuclear warhead. Used in a judicious manner a threat that cannot be ignored.

See previous blog entries here, here and here regarding the American B-52 and longevity of same. Russian bomber warplanes can be expected to undergo a similar evolution? A whole bunch of relatively minor but incremental improvements can go a long way.

Rather OLD but still useful heavy bombers of Soviet vintage their combat record as stand-off delivery systems the Ukraine Conflict not so terribly impressive?


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