Monday, January 11, 2016


This is coolbert:

From a variety of sources!

It does appear that the attack on the Indian Air Force base at Pathankot DID NOT ENDANGER ANY NUCLEAR WEAPONS  OR NUCLEAR WEAPONS ASSETS!

"Pathankot is the base for MiG-21 Bison fighters and Mi-35 attack helicopters and the terrorists were ordered to blow up aircraft stationed at the air base."

This almost sounds as a sapper attack as might have been the case during the Vietnam War.

"According to the Army , the terrorists were carrying high velocity grenades having capacity to damage tanks. Besides that, army also recovered wire cutters, radio sets, a pamphlet of Jaish-e-Muhammed and other sophisticated weaponry."

Those "high velocity grenades" more than likely some type of rocket-propelled-grenade [RPG].

"The current status of India's air-based nuclear weapons is unclear. In addition to their ground-attack role, however, it is believed that the Dassault Mirage 2000s and SEPECAT Jaguars of the Indian Air Force are able to provide a secondary nuclear-strike role. The SEPECAT Jaguar was designed to be able to carry and deploy nuclear weapons and the Indian Air Force has identified the jet as being capable of delivering Indian nuclear weapons."

"Attacking nuclear weapons while in storage in situ not necessarily resulting in atomic detonation but creating an incident with world-wide ramifications!!"

Headlines more than damage the goal!!


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