Monday, September 15, 2014

Boko Haram.

This is coolbert:

The Islamic jihadist group Boko Haram also having now declared a Caliphate and further on the rampage.

The military forces of the central Nigerian government also seemingly powerless to stop the forward advance of Boko Haram combatants. Sounds familiar, doesn't it??

1. "Boko Haram Militants Have Surrounded a Major Nigerian City"

"A month after declaring an Islamic state-like caliphate in Northeastern Nigeria, Boko Haram militants have reportedly surrounded the Borno state capital Maiduguri, where residents expect an attack on what could be the group's largest and most symbolic seizure yet"

2. "While World Watches ISIS, Boko Haram Declares Its Own Caliphate In Nigeria"

"the leader of the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram has established the world's second Islamic "caliphate" this summer and is seeking to cement his bloody rule on a territory that is now roughly the size of West Virginia."

"While much of the world has been focused on the brutal reign of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the forces of Boko Haram have been racking up victories in northern Nigeria and have been violently imposing an equally harsh version of Islamic law"

"Most recently, the group's forces have seized two cities with a combined population of 600,000; nearly surrounded Maiduguri, home to about 1 million Nigerians; and sent government troops fleeing in scenes reminiscent of the rout of the Iraqi army by ISIS fighters this spring."

With all that occurring in Gaza, Ukraine and with ISIL, Boko has been somewhat forgotten. Until now that is.


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