Monday, August 4, 2014


This is coolbert:

Indeed, yet more combat in Iraq, ISIL once more getting the best of the Kurd combatant.

ISIL does walk on water?

"Iraq jihadists seize another town from Kurdish forces"

"Sulaimaniyah (Iraq) (AFP) - Jihadists raised their black flag in Iraq's northern town of Sinjar Sunday [3 August] in a second straight day of advances against Kurdish forces, sparking mass displacement the UN called a humanitarian tragedy."

"The Islamic State's capture of Sinjar raised fears for minority groups that had found refuge there and further blurs the border between the Syrian and Iraqi parts of the 'caliphate' which the IS declared in June."

"The (Kurdish) peshmerga have withdrawn from Sinjar, Daash has entered the city,"

Peshmerga are those combatants loyal to the Kurdish people. Daash is the Iraqi term for ISIL.


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