Monday, May 13, 2013

Castle Keep.

This is coolbert:

Thanks to the Daily Beast and the tip from the Creative Minority Report we have this very strange item. AND also THE REST OF THE STORY.

"World War II’s Strangest Battle: When Americans and Germans Fought Together"

That "Strangest Battle" occurring at the very end of the Second World War in the European theatre, American, French and German personnel defending a castle against a division of the Waffen SS.

A story as they say, strange but true.

"Days after Hitler’s suicide a group of American soldiers, French prisoners, and, yes, German soldiers defended an Austrian castle against an SS division—the only time Germans and Allies fought together in World War II. Andrew Roberts on a story so wild that it has to be made into a movie. "

"The most extraordinary things about this truly incredible tale of World War II are that it hasn’t been told before in English, and that it hasn’t already been made into a blockbuster Hollywood movie . . . Steven Spielberg, how did you miss this story?"

A modified version of the story that movie having already been made, and some time ago, over four decades now?

I am thinking of Castle Keep from 1969.

Perhaps the strangest war movie of all time, with perhaps the strangest dialog of all time.

Devoted readers to the blog if able to obtain this cinematic marvel on VHS or DVD please do so and watch.

Burt Lancaster starring in command of a small American unit defending a castle from German attack.

"During the Battle of the Bulge, an anachronistic count shelters a ragtag squad of Americans in his isolated castle hoping they will defend it against the advancing Germans."

"Castle Keep is a "firmly pro- and anti-war" 1969 American war film directed by Sydney Pollack, starring Burt Lancaster, Patrick O'Neal, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Bruce Dern, and Peter Falk."

AND from the wiki entry for Castle Keep:

"During the Battle of the Bulge, a ragtag squad of American soldiers, led by one-eyed Major Falconer (Burt Lancaster) and including Sgt. Rossi (Peter Falk), art expert Captain Beckman (Patrick O'Neal) and the narrator, Pvt. Allistair Benjamin (Al Freeman, Jr.), take shelter in an ancient castle, containing many priceless and irreplaceable art treasures, which the impotent Count (Jean-Pierre Aumont) hopes they will defend against the advancing Germans as well as, he also hopes, impregnate the Countess (Astrid Heeren) so that his line may continue."

"The film is based on a novel by William Eastlake published in 1969".

Castle Keep called fiction, based on a novel. So they tell us. Or is it otherwise?


1 comment:

  1. That's right.
    The Japan volunteers in Served in the U.S. Army's , (U.S. citizens ?) Germany ground

    German forces foreign legions, which served as volunteers:
    Vlasov Army, Georgia, Don, Kuban, Armenia, Turkestan, the Caucasus, the Terek, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kalmykia, Volga Tatars, Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Spain, France, Flanders, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Iraq!?, North African Arabs, India.
