Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Castle Itter.

This is coolbert:

"And even when the German offensive [1940] in the Ardennes became apparent, Gamelin hesitant, indecisive and lacking almost totally in any degree of vigor and initiative as is needed by the successful senior commander."

Once more from that Daily Beast web site item:

"World War II’s Strangest Battle: When Americans and Germans Fought Together"

Castle Itter: "a special prison that housed various French VIPs, including the ex-prime ministers Paul Reynaud and Eduard Daladier and former commanders-in-chief Generals Maxime Weygand and Paul Gamelin, amongst several others."

Among those VIP [very important persons] held captive at Itter Castle Paul Gamelin.

Gamelin of course the French generalissimo 1940. Gamelin the subject of previous blog entries:

See here and here regarding Gamelin!

Paul Gamelin. That French most senior military commander during the Battle of France [1940]. His performance worse than lackluster AND IT HAS BEEN SUGGESTED AS EVEN TRAITOROUS.

Observers having commented that the actions of rather lack of action on the part of Gamelin a display of incompetence that raises real questions as "to what exactly was occurring".

That Gamelin was held prisoner at Castle Itter, incarcerated and slated for execution seems to belay all suspicions that the general was not totally loyal to the French cause, rather perhaps a man who had been promoted to a position beyond his degree of ability.

Rather strange too when considering that Gamelin during the Great War [WW1] had comported himself with a marked degree of command presence able and competent.

Gamnelin rather should be seen in the same context as a John Bell Hood [CSA] from the American Civil War [an excellent divisional commander but an incompetent army commander], or the Israeli general officer Gonen [an outstanding brigade commander but an incompetent army commander]?

Gamelin perhaps not a commander able to handle dynamic change with the rapidity required but NOT a traitor. A loyal and proud Frenchman who merely in 1940 found the situation beyond his control!


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