Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Supreme Court.

This is coolbert:

"I'm a retired Marine of 25 years . . . Back in 1987, I was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. I got wounded many times by the same guy." - - Xavier Alvarez.

Thanks to the Chicago Tribune from yesterday.

It has made the route and the distance all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. The Stolen Valor Act. "A law that makes it a crime to falsely claim to have earned medals for service in the armed forces." A legal case that is deemed A FREE SPEECH MATTER!

The strange case of Xavier Alvarez. Charged and convicted under the Stolen Valor Act - - his conviction overturned by the very liberal 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The military war hero impostor/prevaricator/fabulist/wannabee.

Alvarez claiming at one time or another that he:

* Was twenty five years a U.S. Marine. [he never did ANY military service whatsover.]
* Won the Congressional Medal of Honor. [the medal has not been called the CoH for many decades now, I wish these wannabees would get at least that right!]
* "played hockey for the Detroit Red Wings"
* "worked as a police officer"
* "rescued the U.S. ambassador during the Iran hostage crisis"
* "married a Mexican starlet"

Xavier has really done it all, hasn't he?

Is this a free speech issue? Stolen Valor is unconstitutional? Merely lying: "lies that cause no direct harm" is  legal under the First Amendment?

And this sort of case now is being taken up by the highest court in the land! We shall see. Hold your breath but for not too long. I fear Xavier will get his way!

I would tell you about my last TOP SECRET mission in the Philippines, crossing a thousand foot deep chasm using an expedient rope bridge, the stinging wasps the size of helicopters, the natives firing blow gun darts at us, etc. But I cannot do so. It is again, TOP SECRET. I am sure you understand!


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