Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This is coolbert:

Thanks to several sources and as reported the last few days in the American media we have the latest on the efforts of the U.S. African Command to find and destroy if possible the Lord's Resistance Army [LRA] or at the very least capture or kill the insurgent leader - - Joseph Kony.

LRA insurgents/forest guerrillas/terrorists/disaffected numbering only several thousands, free-ranging and frustrating the many efforts to defeat the proverbial but very dangerous motley crew.

"The group used to operate mainly in northern Uganda and also in parts of South Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo"

One hundred American troops, presumably Special Forces [SF], sent to Uganda as "advisors" to spearhead the hunt, organize and coordinate the effort to suppress for ever this long-standing and very hard-to-destroy guerrilla band [LRA].

"Africom to Work Lord's Resistance Army Problem With Uganda"

"WAPO [Washington Post] and NYT [New York Times] reporting over the weekend [17 October 2011] that the US will send around 100 armed advisers to help the Ugandan military work the stubborn problem of the Lord's Resistance Army . . . These guys really are the worst of the worst . . . They check every box on war crimes."

For OVER twenty years the LRA have been beating the bush of at least four African countries, creating a lot of atrocity and mayhem where ever they go. AND CONSISTS MOSTLY OF TEENAGERS, IMPRESSED SOLDIERS, GUERRILLA FIGHTERS WITH AN AMAZING TENACITY, A CAPACITY AND STAYING POWER TO ENGAGE IN BATTLE WHO EVER COMES AFTER THEM AND SURVIVE!

LRA a combination of African tribalism [Acholi], Christianity [a warped form], African mysticism. And in the ancient African manner, use juju [black magic] effectively!

"Nobody likes the LRA. They're essentially an insurgency that outlived the civil war and they've been doing their crimes for so long that they don't know how to stop, so the key here will be crafting some exit strategy for the rank and file while separating the leadership for prosecution. The longtime leader, Joseph Kony, is a true nutcase."

NO! If this Joseph Kony was "a true nutcase" he WOULD NOT HAVE SURVIVED AS LONG AS HE HAS! The man has smarts of an evil nature and is a manipulative genius with a malevolent mentality but is not a madman!

Joseph and his guerrilla fighters have been in the cross-hairs of the United Nations and American trained counter-insurgents before? This I had never heard of! Joseph and the LRA emerging relatively unscathed from previous efforts at eradication, according to the wiki entry for the LRA those in pursuit of Joseph ending up in a bad way, Joseph and the LRA victorious in a way not anticipated or desired!

"In 2006, the United Nations mounted a covert operation to capture or kill Joseph Kony. A squad of U.S.-trained Guatemalan Special Ops soldiers set out into Congo's Garamba National Park, a longtime LRA refuge . . . Trained in jungle warfare and accustomed to surviving in the bush for long stretches, the Guatemalans were equipped with M-16s and the latest special-operations technology. Five LRA soldiers were killed and none of the Special Ops soldiers survived. According to one account, the commander of the Special Ops soldiers was beheaded. The battle, which lasted for several hours, included hand to hand combat. Reports put the U.N. dead at eight to forty. The LRA left the corpses in the jungle but took the weapons—including heavy machine guns and grenade launchers."

Those Americans headed for Uganda beware! This is not going to be a cake-walk and should be understood to be so from the start! The temptation will be very great to participate in the "hunt" for Joseph but please be assured that this is not going to be easy! AND WHY exactly is the deployment made public for the whole world to know about? Joseph and his band of merry men will disperse, take cover, go into deeper hiding and BECOME THAT MUCH MORE ELUSIVE TO FIND, MUCH LESS TO DESTROY!


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