Sunday, February 6, 2011


This is coolbert:

"If you are caught using it, even once,
you will be processed for separation from
the Navy. There is no second chance."

For those stodgy old persons such as myself and those of you devoted readers to the blog that are perhaps of near retirement age as I am, more on the subject of Spice.

A hot button topic within the military right now? Seems so.

From the Chicago Tribune only yesterday:

"'Spice' use concerns Navy: 16 sailors discharged"

"Marijuanalike drug rises in popularity"

And Spice is:

"also known as K2, is a mixture of herbs and spices that typically is sprayed with a synthetic compound chemically similar to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana"

[K2 of course is the mountain that used to be known as Godwin-Austen, the second tallest mountain in the world, second only to Mt. Everest. Get high as K2 dude! Get it?]

More from the Tribune article:

"WASHINGTON - - The Navy has discharged 16 sailors assigned to the USS Bataan for using or dealing the synthetic marijuana-mimicking drug 'spice.'"

Spice in most locales is totally legal, can be purchased over-the-counter, bought at what are called "head shops".

Legal to civilians - - NOT LEGAL WITHIN THE MILITARY!

And even beyond being warned not to use Spice, according to the Tribune article:

"In April [of 2010] the commander of the USS Bataan went a step further, requiring the crew to sign a letter advising them that designer and herbal products as spice were prohibited."

A LEGAL DOCUMENT - - violation of the provisions of which can be used to process for immediate discharge any malefactors!

Persons enlisting in the military must understand from the get-go that they are expected to comport themselves to a regimen of discipline and behave according to a uniform set of standards that is much more rigorous that would they would encounter in the civilian sector. With commensurate harsh punishments warranted as well. Just a fact!!


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