Sunday, February 6, 2011

.303 SMLE.

This is coolbert:

From a prior blog entry:

"The SMLE first issued over one hundred years ago
now but still going strong. As currently used by
the Canadian Rangers of the far arctic north,
the Maoist rebels in Nepal and perhaps at this
very moment the forest guerrillas of India?"

NOT perhaps! IS!

More on the Indian Maoists, the forest guerrillas, a most troublesome and very active insurgency now infesting various regions of India. Maoists well organized, their fighting units apparently having a standard uniform, battle kit, and armed to a large extent with the British old-fashioned but very potent SMLE rifle. Presumably captured or stolen weapons, ammo also captured or stolen, found in abundance throughout the Indian sub-continent?

See for yourself. Thanks in all cases to the web site devoted to the Maoist guerrillas, WORLDNEWS Indian Maoists. Everything you wanted to know about the insurgents, from soup to nuts as the saying goes.

Notice in the one photo the number of women. Same as with the Maoists of Nepal. The incorporation of women in numbers into the combat units being accepted as normal! It can be suggested that these are staged photos, posed for the camera as a propaganda tool. I fear that is not the case. These Maoists have been around for over forty years now and are well organized, the 2nd stage of the three-part Maoist-style insurrection having been attained. Roving guerrilla bands striking at will, wreaking havoc, creating disorder on a large scale, slowly but surely exercising quasi- governmental dominion over a wider area!

A Maoist-style rebellion, greatly aided and abetted in large measure to a weapon the basic design of which is from over one hundred years ago! Who would have thought it? That SMLE, whether in the hands of a man or a woman, when you are hit by that .303 caliber round, it does not matter!


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