Friday, April 23, 2010


This is coolbert:

Lots of secrecy around this space launch.

TOP SECRET space craft, unmanned, the X-37B is going into orbit, or already has gone into orbit.

Unmanned, controlled remotely from earth. Seems to great resemble a mini-space shuttle. NO windows or passengers, but what sort of cargo or weaponry? ONLY the USAF knows for sure!!

From the DEBKAfile:

"Secret US Air Force unmanned space plane set for launch"

"With many of its features kept secret, the project has sparked speculation that the little Orbital Test Vehicle is the space version of the US Predator drone."

"Our military experts describe the X-37B as the first unmanned space craft able to carry out combat missions outside Earth."

"The X-37B will be launched Thursday by an Atlas-5 rocket."

That list item is of some interest. The Atlas family of rockets is still going strong. A family the original version of which flew back IN THE LATE 1950's. Originally an intercontinental-ballistic-missile [ICBM], then becoming, when obsolete as a military weapon, a booster rocket, in various incarnations, able to loft into space payloads for a variety of purposes.

This Atlas V uses RUSSIAN DESIGNED AND MADE [?] ROCKET ENGINES!! Engines of the liquid-fueled type, something I had thought had gone out of usage a long time ago.

This X-37B will be able to orbit the planet, armed, ready to attack ground targets at will? This is the intent? Remotely piloted as well? So little is known about this mission. AND PERHAPS TOO, AN ARMED VERSION IS A VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL TREATIES REGARDING THE DEMILITARIZATION OF OUTER SPACE??!! This may be so too??

So many secrets and speculations!


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