Saturday, April 24, 2010


This is coolbert:

Here from a week ago, thanks to a variety of sources, more dope on the South Korean naval corvette [ROKS Cheonan] sunk under mysterious circumstances. The question primarily being - - an external or an internal source causing a catastrophic explosion and subsequent sinking!!

The stern of the Cheonan being lifted out of the water by crane, placed on a barge, returned to South Korean for careful examination.

1. From the Joong Ang Daily.

"Most Cheonan victims found "

"Sailors’ relatives work with search team at stern site to identify remains"

Weaponry aboard the ship seem to be intact, spontaneous explosion of ordnance on the Cheonan NOT seeming to be a cause of the sinking.

"a set of torpedo tubes and two Harpoon missiles are missing from the Cheonan, while all anti-submarine depth charges were discovered"

2. From the New York Times.

"South Korea Says Ship Sank After ‘External Explosion’"

"SEOUL, South Korea — Officials investigating the mysterious sinking of a South Korean warship in waters disputed by North Korea believe that the ship was hit and torn apart by an “external explosion,” the government announced Friday."

Again - - internal explosion from on-board ordnance or other explosive elements does not seem to have been likely. According to preliminary reports.

"an internal explosion unlikely after studying the salvaged ship. The ship’s munition, fuel tank and gas turbine were intact. The investigators also all but ruled out the possibility of the ship hitting an underwater rock."

"South Korea is working together with United States, Australian and Swedish experts."

3. From the Free Republic Internet web site.

"'N.Korean Officer' Says North Sank the Cheonan"

This North Korean "attack", if true, was carried out by special-purpose naval "spetsnaz" underwater attack team? A revenge attack authorized by Kim Jong Il himself?

The North Koreans are very good at "turning up the heat under the kettle"? Making the pot boil but without having the pot boil over [overt war!!]!

Kim has a very devious and malevolent mind. Likes to make mischief as would a small child, knowing the consequences full well could mean war, but having enough "street smarts" to know just how far to push.

This incident with the Cheonan is just a perfect example of North Korean perfidy? Deliberate and malicious violation of the armistice, the truce that has presided over the Korean peninsula for almost fifty years now!!

"per·fi·dy - - 1. deliberate breach of faith or trust; faithlessness; treachery: 2. an act or instance of faithlessness or treachery."

Treachery indeed!!


1 comment:

  1. The Cheonan incident is truly a tragedy. I remember hearing reports about how the ship possibly hit an undersea mine that was deployed during the Korean War and was never detonated or removed. It's a chilling possibility.
