Saturday, November 14, 2009


This is coolbert:

This is going in a direction unanticipated. The captured terrorists, alleged, from the Chicago area, are spilling the beans. And the indication is that they had connections to the terrorist group that perpetrated the Mumbai massacre?

See here and here previous blog entries on the goat and sheep rancher and the "immigration expert"!

Indian intelligence officials in the U.S. have come away with "good information" regarding the machinations of "David Coleman Headley" [real name Daood Gilani]. Machinations not only confined to possible attacks upon the newspaper Jylands Posten in Denmark? "David" had his sights set on India too. The man was an operative of the organization LeT?

"Indian investigators got good information on Headley: Chidambaram"

"NEW DELHI: The Indian team of intelligence officials which went to the US in connection with probe into LeT operative David Coleman Headley's terror designs has come back with 'good information'"

"Headley, 49-year-old Pakistan-born US citizen, was arrested in Chicago last month by the FBI which said he was part of an LeT plan to carry out terror attacks in India."

"Officials of IB and RAW went to the US last week and met FBI counterparts to get details of the plot and Headley's contacts in India on the basis of his interrogation."

"David" the immigration "expert" and his buddy the goat and sheep rancher Tahawwur Hussain Rana [the "travel agent"] were part of a much wider conspiracy and terrorist network? Al Qaeda linked perhaps? The villains are now spilling their guts - - talking freely [??]! World-travelers seeking to do mischief and mayhem in the manner of Mumbai - - once again?

We have not seen or heard the last of "David" and his buddy?

NOR was any of this mentioned or carried in the main-stream-media [MSM], at least to my knowledge. Thanks to the TimesofIndia in this case.


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