Wednesday, July 10, 2024


This is coolbert:

“It’s impossible to rest, and my friends and I have had sleepless nights, despite knowing the disadvantage that imposes on us.”

Warming tents I have heard of. Cooling tents I not have heard of.

Read and understand within context of the previous blog entry!

"Soldier goes public, reveals unlikely IDF threat"

 From | Jul 2, 2024.

"Public appalled to hear reports from frontline soldiers."

An IDF soldier made waves after triggering a global movement . . . combatting widespread fatigue in the IDF. With the Israeli sun burning overhead, the army tents become overheated, making proper rest impossible. The frightening reality is that soldiers in battle are less than 100% alert.

"A movement was created to sponsor air-conditioning units to be installed in army tents. The public was appalled to hear about army living conditions and stepped up to give soldiers much-needed relief from the heat."

Before there was the Gazan Conflict there was the Winter War of 1940. Finnish troops an important part of their regimen able to take refuge in a warming tent. Contributing to combat effectiveness and better morale among the troops.

"Finnish Military Tents: During the Winter War, the Finnish military used heat-able shelters, known as 'half-platoon tents'. These tents were equipped with lightweight sheet metal stoves that could keep the tent warm even in extremely cold temperatures. The tents were designed to be lightweight and portable, making them easy to transport and set up in the field."  [AI generated]

This for heat, this for cold! Answer can be found!


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