Wednesday, May 22, 2024


This is coolbert:

"Incitement to genocide is a crime under international law which prohibits inciting (encouraging) the commission of genocide. An extreme form of hate speech, incitement to genocide is an inchoate offense and is theoretically subject to prosecution even if genocide does not occur"

"INCHOATE is being only partly in existence or operation : incipient; especially : imperfectly formed or formulated : formless, incoherent." 

See prior blog entry in some quarters Israeli rap music as believed to be a possible as an INCITEMENT to genocide.

Ness and Stilla their very persons now banned in USA. Too controversial. 

"Report: Israeli Rappers Banned from U.S. Over Anti-Terror Song" | JOEL B. POLLAK | 20 May 2024 | 

"The Israeli rap duo 'Ness and Stilla' has reportedly been denied a visa to perform in Miami, Florida, over false accusations that their hit song, 'Harbu Darbu,' promotes “genocide” by backing Israel’s war against terror."

"The song, as Breitbart News reported in November, was written in reaction to the terror attack of October 7, and expresses the spirit of a nation mobilized for war. It calls out Hamas and Hezbollah — and celebrities who back them."

Persons with a more than average knowledge of the Nuremberg Trials subsequent to the end of the Second World War can recall the death sentence as handed down to the noted instigator Julius Streicher.

See the entire video with translations!


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