Wednesday, May 22, 2024


This is coolbert:

You must crawl before you can walk and you must walk before you can run! 

Sounds to me that this is DACT style combat training, practicing for aerial dog-fighting the skies over Ukraine.

"Ukrainian Pilots Currently Training On French Air Force Alpha Jet Trainers"

From | by Parth Satam | May 21, 2024 |

"Ukrainian pilots are being imparted the basics of aerial combat as part of the training in anticipation of the arrival of the F-16 in Ukraine. But it will take some time before they will be able to fly and fight in a 'Viper'." 

"The run-up to the declared arrival of F-16s in Ukraine is seeing considerable preparation. Ukrainian pilots, with different degree of background and flying experience, are at various stages of training, both in the U.S. and in Europe."

I cannot help but notice that the Dornier German version of the Alpha jet trainer has an ORGANIC on demand combat load. Can fight as ground attack warplane if called upon for such a mission.

Handling of the Alpha jet similar to the F-16 Viper? I cannot say. "Multi-role capabilities: The F-16 Viper can perform air-to-air combat, air-to-ground strikes, and reconnaissance missions."

Good luck Ukrainian aviators!


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